Business NBN
Business-grade NBN (TC2) is now available. As a specialist business provider, Maxinet can provide a more solid, robust NBN connection built just for businesses.
We are a business solutions provider of 20 years standing. If TC2 NBN is not available for your site, you can rely on Maxinet to provide business-grade service on top of our internet-grade NBN product (TC4).
Who is it for?
Business-grade NBN is best suited to a small office or retail outlet where Fibre is not available we strongly recommend businesses access Fibre if possible .
Business-grade Internet
Most businesses will find that an Ethernet, Fixed Wireless or Fibre connection will better suit their needs for highspeed internet. Once copper is withdrawn we will consult with you to assess the best option for your business.
Why Maxinet for Business Internet?

Speak with one of our experienced Business Consultants to understand the best solution for your business.Talk to Us